My favorites....

Ok, so I decided to do a post on one of my favorite models of the current time. I first saw her when she was in Teen Vogue, for a little article thingy and I thought she was gorgeous, and I LOVE her name. Chanel Iman? Its like the coolest name ever, her first name is one of the most famous fashion designers ever, and her last name is one of the most famous models ever. I wonder if it was a coincidence, or her parents named her that on purpose.
I think she is so pretty, and I really like all of the shows she's been in. Her look is just really soft but still exoctic which is hard to pull of. and she has really big lips(that might sound weird, but that doesnt matter :) ) and a nice smile, and she looks a lot different then all of the uber-skinny eastern european models that are so copious on the runways. My new favorite.

1. "If You Leave"-Nada Surf. Ok I seriously love this song, it is so happy, and the words are so easy to memorize, because the verses are kind of short and sweet. If you like songs with nice little rhythms and words, you will like this. And yes I know I found it on Music from the OC Volume I, but dont tell anyone, its still cool ;)

2."The Mating Game"-BitterSweet. This song reminds me of James Bonds, I dont know why, it just does, like James Bond/ some really cool couple that doesnt know they're in love. Only I will interpret a song like that, but I love the beat to it, its awesome.
3."Samson"-Regina Spektor. I love all of Regina Spektor's stuff, or at least most of it, so this is no exception. Her voice kind of lulls me to sleep in a good way, and I love the beginning.
"You are my sweetest downfall" Such a amazing lyric <33333
4."Lover, You Don't Have to Love"-Bright Eyes. This has such a great steady beat in the backround, and its just really fun to listen to. Plus Bright Eyes has such a melodic/rough/amazing voice so I love the whole thing. If that made any sense at all.
5."Make This Go on Forever"-Snow Patrol. I will admit I heard this first on Greys Anatomy on the ferry accident episodes, but I love it now so much. The lyrics are really great, especially the end. I am not going to lie that I intenstly lip sync with my hair brush to the very last lyrics. Its all cool. The end is the best.
And I don't know where to look.
My words just break and melt.
Please just save me from this darknesssss.
I could listen to the end of the song forever, and make it go on forever. Get it haha, I'm so clever.
6. "Unlike Me"-Kate Havnevik. I was first drawn to this song when I heard the lyric I love the way you live so intensly, which btw I still think is such an amazing lyric, but now I love the whole thing. Kate Havnevik is is amazing, and her voice is just so great, and this song is intense but in a soothing way if that is possible. :)
7."I'll Follow You Into the Dark"-Death Cab For Cutie. This is my most played song on my Itunes, because it is just amazing. The solo accoustic guitar, with the amazing amazing amazing lyrics, it is such a beautiful song. Its bittersweet though, but I love Death Cab.