Standing for 4 Hours was DEFINIETELY worth it...

Ok, so now that I'm back on normal schedule, a.k.a, NO spring break, I have finally recovered from my first standing-in-the-pit-for-5-hours-with-the-strong-odor-of-pot-everywhere concert experience! HOORAY!!!
But I saw The Killers!!! Which was so awesome!! I love them, and Brandon Flowers is such a hottie *swoon*. So my friends and I were really close, like 20 feet, which was amazing. It was extremely loud, but in a good way. And it was really hot, in a not good way. Luckily there will a couple of gorgeous guys that we were sort of smushed against so I wasn't really complaining, :).

The first act was extremely weird, I couldnt even hear what their name was, but they were like out of a bad episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, seriously, one of their song's was called "Hell Diver". I was like, what the heck is this, I want the Killers. When the finished, I was like hooray the Killers, but then....there was a 2nd opening act! The Howling Bells, from Australia, who were actually pretty good, but by that point I was a little grouchy at being stuck standing for already like 2 hours and not seeing the band I came to.
It took another 40 mintues after the Howling Bells came on for the Killers to come out, but it was SO worth it. They played so well, and confetti came from the ceiling, and Brandon Flowers is such an amazing performer. <3>

This is such a good picture for a camera phone, I am seriously impressed.

Pretty purple lights, they lighting was awesome btw.
If the Killers come on tour near where you live I highly recommend trying to get tickets, they rock! :D