Wow....mostly I feel like a complete idiot....haha this actually is sort of I go to camp for 2 weeks, and I completely forgot to warn you guys. Acutally you must give me some credit, I didn't really "forget" forget....I actually almost didn't go, and then by the time I did, I had like literally 2 seconds to pack, and then when we were driving I remebered I hadn't warned you blog will be blogger empty for 2 whole weeks...I even tried unsuccesfully to get internet connection from my laptop in Nowhereville.....
Anyways...I'm BACK!!! Yay....mostly camped rocked my socks...i can't believe i honestly just said that in a sentence....whatever, I can say whatever I want camp was extremely fun, and funny too....I loved my cabin, and suprisingly, I didn't really have very much technology withdrawal, although I did feel VERY guilty leaving my little bloggers all alone....;)
Did you know that Longs has a motto? I betcha didnt...dont lie...its motto is:
"Live Healthy. Live Happy. Live Longs"
Hahahahahahahahahahah, do you get it?! Live Longs...ahahah i am so amused...I developed my camp pictures there and I was very intrigued reading the motto on the photo thing....
Anywyas...I was trying to put up some pics from camp but my computer is being hopefully it will work tomorow...oh wait, hold on...i can get some off the camp site...YAY...

We went canyoneering, which was repelling backwards down that waterfall behind us...basically it was amazing...i totally felt like and INTENSE rock climber ;)))

Colors in red....i'd say its the most attractive picture of me EVER....haha...dont you love the lurkish guy behind us....hahahah

For cabin theme day were were the was my idea...and what color do I get to be...GREY...whooppeee...shows what being a genius gets you...NOTHING!!!
My cabin...I <3 them..
Sooooo....who can believe that schools starting again....When I say "school" I say it in a scary Voldemort voice....I have literally 2 weeks, which I know is actually a long while, but it is going to be filled with Tennis practices and school shopping (i.e. the binder kind)....and I'm literally squeal when I say this.... BACK TO SCHOOL SHOPPING!!!!
Well aren't they the coolest kids ever...going to school...btw i like his face...bahaha
Today I got to do some with my lovely mother...she hates it when I call her that ;)....we hit Anthropologie
1st, and I have to say that I have found a pair of pants that I am literally in LOVE don't kill me when I say this...but I have a newfound Gaucho jeans obsession....I can't help it...:)) and yes...if you feel you want to mock me, thats ok...I can take it...
I guess I've been wearing skinnies for so long, that having the wide leg is just so...EXCITING....i believe im getting way too worked up over this, but you try going to camp for 2 weeks w/ limited clothing, and NO full length mirror, huh? huh? try and get back to me ;)....\
And the Anthro site isn't letting me save the pic, but I was inspired to buy them b/c of this pic I saw of Cameron Diaz wearing a pair...

And we sort of have the same body type(hahha I like to dream i guess, since i do not really look like a moviestar ;) , and I thought they were so casually cute, that I had to race out and find a pair....seriously they are the comfiest thing ever....
Anyways....back to the back to school shopping....I hope i have a chance to do somemore, b/c I am seriously in a need for wintery clothes....although i do not deny that it doesnt really get wintery in CA, the temp drops to less then 65....crisis...
Although it is CA, a girl is in need of a few cooler weather I was in Malibu w/ my mom and I stopped @ Planet Blue, and I tried on honestly the most ADORABLE sweater dresses I have ever seen in my 14 years....they were so cute, but of course they were all like 300$, obviously my mom didnt let me buy them, so I was slightly depressed all day...
This was the 1st one:

I know it doesnt even look that cute, but it is all crocheted and possibly the comfiest thing Catherine Malandrino who I believe is a genius...

This dress by Joie is a ten billion times cuter on, but I LOVE it....I tried it on in all grey and my mind was just spinning like a little hamster on one of those wheels about all the ways I could wear it....

I didnt actually try this dress on or have seen it in real life, but the little buttons are so cute...are you noticing how im leaning towards grey...its big this fall, but I've always LOVED it....
This dress is really cute, but mostly i just chose it b/c I want to ask, what in gods name is the model doing? Does she think shes being alluring or sexy b/c mostly it just looks like shes having ADD as she stares @ the photographer with NO feeling in her eyes whatsoerver... shes prob thinking "Wow...I really want that peice of candy....I've been thinking about it all day."Geeeeezzz...what are they teaching in modeling school these days?
DOWNLOAD:"Summer Skin" Death Cab for Cutie...this songs not new or anything, but I love it...its about summer and its sorta sad but such a pretty song...the lyrics are AMAZING...
Gosh this post took 3 frickin days for me to do, and its not even that long....well I'm back...I should be posting a lot before school starts....