Yes! I am still alive...and just as talkative as ever...did i spell that wrong?
Oh wait...since i have been neglecting my blog, here's a little mini tidbit for you little fashionistas to chew on...
One of my favorite fall shows....Stella McCartney...I want this for fall...the whole thing...and thats why they call it a daydream...*breaks down to tears*...

I actually really like how the extra long slouchy cardigan is under a extremely power women chic coat...its such a good juxtaposition...and i sound like a huge nerd...i like the contrast

Ok this sweater is honestly my life...i want to marry it and make little polar bear babies with not even kidding...yes i am ;P

This is one of my favorite looks...i saw it in InStlye and I'm obsessed...the grey sweater is PERFECT w/ just the white shirt, and it could be boring but BAM...amazing amazing red shoes!!! I love it...

This outfit is casual, but then again BAM amazing hot pink shoes...I swear Stella McCartney is a genius....
but one other thing...Daria Werbowy looks completley WAY TOO SKINNY in this picture...i mean check out her collar bones...i dont really know where i stand in the too skinny model thing.... i mean I understand if they're natrually skinny like that, b/c some girls are, but still we shouldnt all be expected to be a size 00 either...but she just looks unhealthy...thats definitely not sexy...
This dress just makes me happy...its like limey colored but then faded times 10 squared...the black shoes are a perfect chic touch...and yes Jessica Stam...girl crush...she's so pretty with her spooky icey blue eyes and I just love her as a model...and even though she's skinny too, she just looks healthier...or at least i think...
Ok that was a complete midgit post...but i promise there will be a longer one soon...
DOWNLOAD: "Forever Young"-Youth Group...this song is addictive...its so romantic and i love the lyrics and they're suprisingly easy to it was Ryan and Marrissa's song... I <3>
whew! I'm so glad you're alive! lol. welcome back!! and such great taste you have - i love all of those outfits that you have selected!! they're lovely!
yupp the knits are absolutely fabbb!!!!!!! i really think i;m gna stock up on long cardi and bright tights for fall/winter.
and the irony of the whole thing?!
it's forever summery/ rainy right whr i am.. i prolly dont need them.
but i <3 them so so much!!! haha!
thanks for d comment(: haha and i KNOW!!! he's really yummy eh?! haha!!
I love everything except the sweater! I guess thats what makes so many types of fashion interesting and in style :) Of course I am a bit older than you and did the whole sweater thing for far too long, so it has painful memories.
i adore this stella collection
normally i like her stuff but never LOVE it
i think im liking this collection best out of all of falls looks
omg i love that sweater to it looks soo comftable aswell
I know what you mean about the polar bear sweaters, I loved the panda ones at Chanel.
those photos are amazing.
Great show, nice blog!
Stella Mcartney clothes are always so fantastic in my opinion, and they look so easy to wear. The oversize knits are my favourites, I think it's so so important to be comfortable and warm over winter, but of course chic at the same time.
Just listening to Forever Young. Ahh, it's actually making me feel really depressed for some reason! Weird. Ha. I think its because it reminds me of Ryan and Marrisa, and its sad. I can't believe I'm talking like I knew them ha.
S xx
i love the whole collection as well, the shirt dress under the cardigans/sweaters was my faovirte mix.
Thanks!(: New update soon, so check back sometime!
stam is the ultimate girl crush
i saw her on the street one day and she was the ultimate M.O.D. (model off-duty), she was everything i could have hoped for
Stella's collection is so fabulous and I love the colors she used.
i just adore stella... and the weather here in SoCal may finally be getting to the knitwear stage, so yay!
Loved all the Stella, cute post!
yea the stella knits are a cup o' joy!love love love love!
p.s.check out my new post.
blog soon :)
Ohh my !! THe last one it's really pretty
this is one of my favorite shows of all time. i adore everthing. i have been trying to find sweaterdresses like these ones, but no one makes any, so im resorting to buying from the mens section and wearing those. haha.
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stunning,love it,love it…the fashion is just so awesome,love the images…love your blog xo
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