I may be completely in consistent, but I know what I like....hell yes I do ;)
Wow...does it ever feel like time is flying by...or depending on how you look @ it...not? Ok I realize yes, that sentence made almost no sense, but let me explain my little lovelys. School has going by at the speed a crippled snail might go through school. Like a turtle with a cane going to Freshman year...like me...being extremely over school...but then again, I checked the date on my last post and it was like 2 weeks ago?!! How did that happen...im neglecting my poor little blog that I love so dearly...
But it feels like i have no time for anything else except school, homework, sports, and um...lets see once thats done, theres more school....i get home @ like 6:30 every night b/c thats when my sports practice ends, is that insane or am i?
Plus i havent even had time for inspiration for posting.....but i have been checking up on NY Fashion week, so I decided to pick some of my faves...the highlights...courtesy of me of course...:)

This is so adorable...can i please have it transported into my fall wardrobe...

The giant navy sweater is to die for, and the bubbly skirt/dress is something that i want...o wait..i want all of it...drat...

Like a picnic...
The dress is adorable...the vertical stripes..<3

This little leopard print rain coat is the cutest most retro thing ever...hello obsession...

This is like an opptical illusion...in the 60's with adorable white wayfarers...

This dress is gorgeous....im a sucker for black over nude...i just love it...and the bubble hem...mmmm...
I think they're a relatively new designer, and I read about them in Elle Collections...but I loved so many of their peices...
This is so pretty....I love the ruffle in the center...

Such and awesome dress...the colors remind me of rasperberry and green tea...and i am a complete random freak...its cool though...
Ok....every single one of their dresses is so amazingly GORGEOUS....i dont know how i chose 3...

This reminds me of Uli's couture dress in Project runway...i love it..

This gold brocade(i think) mini is so cute and elegant at the same time...hmmm...
This is honestly the most beautiful thing I have ever seen...dont you agree...i mean it looks like a giant rose...its so gorgeous...
Marc by Marc Jacobs

hahah...you wonder why this is on here? ok no guy would ever wear that....i just put it on there b/c it cracked me up, although i like the shorts for myself...is that wrong?
Zac Posen
1. I love him...
2. Thats it...i just love him...
Ok is this the coolest thing you've ever seen or what? its supposd to look like stormy clouds...I <3>
Ok, so on to London fashion week I think...ill try and post again soon...but things are so busy...
DOWNLOAD: "Only Lovers Left Alive" The Long Blondes...i read about them in Nylon @ camp, and I honestly love this song...the chorus is addictive and I love the name of their band...the long blondes...i wonder how they are such genius' to thing of that...if i had a band i would name it something lame like...the cool people...or....cats and dogs...i am a retard...
enjoy school...not....