I love lists....what can I say, they're fun....they entertain me...so I decided to list some of my favorite things about summer...after all it is one of the best times of the year...COMPLETELY school, obligations,and homework free....no stupid history papers to write....no geomatry problems to solve out....more time to devote putting my outfits together...the most important thing after all :)
1. Entire days spent dedicated to Harry Potter....sounds like the dorkiest thing imaginable, but insult Harry...insult me...grrr...I honestly love the series, I just reread the 5th and 6th books to get ready for the new movie and book....and i was like "WOW! they are really good"...so i spent a few sun drenched days outside with my nose immersed in the world of wands and wizards...it was the most fun i've had all summer...haha
2. Perfectly perfect summer sales...I got a shirt @ urban outfitters yesterday for 5$...it was the highlight of the week i must say...
3. Deliciously adorable boys....this one may need a sub-catagory...
A) The surfer boy...possibly the best breed of the species...defining characteristics: perfect golden brown tan, long lean muscles from days and days of ripping or shredding or whatever, shaggy shaggy brown or blonde hair(or brown w/ natrual blonde highlights from the salt water), board in hand, says things like "dude" "sick" "rad" "bottom turn" "cut back"...
B) The working boy...hottie hottie hot....defining characteristics: ambitious, will pay for things b/c he has the extra cash from "working", extremely cute lingering smiles ahhh, hot eyes they all have them i dont know why, may have a nametag...even better to meet him by...;)
C) Random boy....love them....characteristics: you never see them again, like to lurk in public places where you can lurk right back at them, will make insane eye contact, usually shy-ish, nice smiles that make them hot...
D) Nerdy cool boy....subtle hotness, glasses which i find amazing, sweater vests, skinny jeans when its like 80 out, great eyes magnitized by glasses, most likely skinnier then me...haha
4. Saturdays spent watching movies...it doesnt sound summery, but when would i have time to do that during.................school....ugh
5. S'more hybrids, i'm saying cookie/marshamellow/cookie dough...makes you mouth water huh? My friend and i saw it in a book and we drooled over it for like 40 hours...we may possibly make them on her stove, which sort of strikes me as pathetic, but thats ok....at least we can EAT them...
6. Spending my afternoons on my deck...armed w/ magazines, SPF 30, and a smoothie...nice...
7. Speaking of smoothies, my recent discovery of blueberry banana...i must be retarted since it had been around for about one BILLION years...
8. The fact that I have lost 5 lbs being healthy and working out....:)))))
9. My hot trainer who my friend and i share for a very nice price actually....his eyes are like the dark ocean and i am farerly certain he thinks we are dingbats....oh well...
10. Summer music....the new CD's....now to think of it i really need to be making a summer playlist...
11. Sleeping in till 11:30 ON A MONDAY.....HALLELUJAH.....
12. A broken chocolate icecream cone....
13. The ability to rationally carry 4 pairs of cheapy sunglasses in my bag for when i need a "change"...go to pairs: Faux Aviators, Red Wayfares, Giant Hipster Black Ones, Rhinestoned Target Ones
14. My room's new beautiful maroony pink shade....3 cheers for redecoration! :D
15. Soccer camp....hours and hours of jumping and diving on the ground onto the fresh cut grass in the sweltering heat....YAY..i am excited though
16. Getting up @ 7 to hike...up a mountain, then dying on the way up, getting attacked by flies at the top, and running all the way down, in the space of 2.5 hours....
17. Buying fireworks...making a fire on the beach w/ damp wood and newspapers so it pretty much didnt light on fire at all....but the fireworks did :)) Under this should also go meeting a kid from Lebanon named Jorgo who hilariously followed you around all 4th of July...haha its true
18. Biking from my friends house to the beach.....and almost getting run over in the process...what a cliche...I did feel very California girl doing though, which I thought was extremely entertaining, I felt like the Beach Boys "California Girls" should be playing in the backround while I road my beach cruiser...
19. Summer concerts...I saw Gwen Stefani...she was amazng I honestly recomend going if you can get you hands on some tickets...
20. The ability to come back to school completely tan and mysterious.....i wish...
Back to the topic of Harry Potter...the Boy Who Live...the Chosen One...is it bad I know all of his names? Anyways....the actors who play Ron, Hermione, and Harry have become some of my favorites...the boys are adorably cute, Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint...and Emma Watson has grown into being super pretty and pretty chic...

They all look so happy....and cute....I have to say I'm a Harry fan...I think Daniel Radcliffe is adorable, a little pale but still...

Emma's dress is gorgeous. The color is great with her complection(ugh I sound like some obnoxiously perky sales assosciate at like Perky Land), and she looks gorgeous...grrr... ..the necklace fits it perfectly, luckily she didnt choose something to clunk it up. And Katie Leung, I actually really like her outfit, the tights are quirky but I think it adds her personal chicness.. As for the guys, Daniel's pretty much pulling off the converse w/ suit...which is hard, but it looks hot, and Rupert just looks....hot in a I'm-not-trying-at-all-way, he probably isn't...:)
But now on to just Emma, who I think is gorgeous, I'm sure she's going to have a great career after HP....she seemes so clever too, just like Hermione :)) This photoshoot was from Entertainment I think? It came up on Google
My favorite pic of the bunch. The Wayfarers are insta-cool, and she's pulling them off SO well without smiling....She's too cool to be smiling...I would be laughing like a hyienna while the photographer glared at me...

SHE IS SO PRETTY....this is very I'll-pummel-you-through-the-wall-if-you-touch-me-but-i'll-still-look-gorgeous-doing-it....And those boots are to die for..
I love this photo too....again...those boots...
This photo is so cute and different from the other ones tho, she's all cute and pretty and girly, and her smile is adorable...I <3>
Emma's really grown up....
DOWNLOAD: "Rock and Roll Queen" The Subways...You are the sun...you are the only one...you'll get it when you listen :))