Aha! Let us all run around screaming in joy...or at least i will.......;P
Anyways....i have realized that PLAID....yes I feel as if I should write the word PLAID in CAPITAL letters to signify its importance....i am sorry if that pains you...but in the name of eccentricity...it must be done ;))
So back to the PLAID....it is actually literally back...i was reading Bazzaar(which btw who the hell knows how to spell it...not me that for sure) with Jessica Simpson on the cover who btw looks like a man....there was something about the photo shoot i just thought she looked....manly....maybe its the brown hair...anyways whatever it was it was just bugging me...i was like "can you please get a cover girl that actually resembles a women"...
and don't get me wrong, I don't actually have anything against Jessica Simpson...she used to be cute, but lately she's just been piling on the makeup....its not a good look for someone w/ her face...
its not uploading my photos...by the time this sentence it done...they're probably be here...or not......internet cannot display webpage...curses...
Something about this just looks...cheasy or manish...

These are the only pictures i actually liked out of the bunch, and they werent even in the magazine...they were online, but they're a whole lot less posed so i like them....

You cannot imagine my love for these pants...I want them, plus the way the model is rockin them w/ subtly untied scuffy boots is amazing edgy.....in a good way...

I'm not sure if this dress is even on sale @ www.mookakinney.com which btw is an uber cool brand check it out...but I honestly am in love with it...the gray PLAID is so chic...

Marc Jacobs...can he ever do anything wrong? even if this is for summer I still love it....

These will be perfect when i had too many ice cream bars and will not squeeze into my amazingly tight PLAID pants...see above...and below...
These are like the first pair of pants bratty rebellious little sister...i am quite taken with them...
That was basically the PLAID Parade...it was very fun collecting PLAID peices...they are everywhere....they are among us....
And btw...does anyone know why all my sidebars are on the bottom...it is bugging me quite perfusely and nothing works to get them back up...someone out there has to be a techy...please help? :))) I will be very grateful......
DOWNLOAD: "The Ballad of Love and Hate" The Avett Brothers...I love this song...its so nice to listen to, and the story it tells is actually happy...i was listening to it when i was making my bed today and then i just sat on my bed for like 4 minutes listening to the song in complete serenity...it was very fun...
in the begining of my post i was rambling about Amazon.com and how they never deliver and I felt i should alert you that today the Buffy the Vampire Slayer i ordered came 3 days early!!! I was SO HAPPY...highlight of my week...now i can spend the week watching mind numbing television before i am shipped to the wilderness....
oh! oh! plaid!! they're back?? ooh. anyway, im loving the scarf and yes, i loop and loop until i think it looks good...and then i re-loop and try to loop again...and yes...><"
haha no comment wif rgd to jess's photo shoot...
yupp.. plaid is yummy!! but obviously not those which u see on my post=p
i love love the mooks and MJ ones!!!
i <33 scarfs!!
Ohh i like the plaid pants!! very very cute!!! and the scarf, tho i tend to stay away from scarfs for the very reason that the relooping over and over, makes me mad and late! as for Jessica i liked her better blond!
I love the plaid clips. I normally don't like plaid, but its Dare I Say, growing on me.
and even though I am NOT a fan of Jess Simpson, I do like that picture of her at the piano. Very "artsy".
Nothing to add about plaid (oops that rhymes) but You. Are. Hilarious!
haha yupp,we shd haf more of this kinda models ard; who wont conform to norm. tt totally rocks!
yeah for plaid!! btw your header is ADORABLE! :)
i was nver a fan of jessica simpson going brunette
it doesnt suit her, shes much better blonde
I thought the cover photo was quite mannish as well, not sure how it made final cut. I love me some Buffy any day/hour of the week.
The plaid pants are amazing! and that dress is so cute1 Great pics!
I couldn't believe how unflattering that Bazaar cover of J.Simp was. She looks terrible--like she's 15 years older than she actually is, and yes, quite mannish.
Cute plaid finds.
I m not a big fan of plaid :(
but I love the pants and I love the pictures of Jessica though I don't like her so much ...
vERY nice post! You're right the model is so rocking the plaid pant! I don't really own any plaid but I have converse with a plais print all over! A plaid lover such as urself should check out those converse they have them in differnt colors!
i saw that bazaar spread and a few of those pics of jess were just plain rough... i really don't know how else to say it. but anyways, moving on, love the plaid. nice picks
I am crazy for plaids! Anytime, anywhere!
Whaatttt is her Jessica Simpson??
I have those pants from Free People! I got them for only $25!
Thanks for writing this.
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