I think I'm addicted, but at least its healthy addiction....no harm done...right?
Sorry for me being MIA...I was locked in my room for a few days totally engrossed in Harry Potter 7.....It was SO AMAZING....read it if you havent...by the end i was like crying.....but it was amazing...
I honestly think that I have an addiction to Prada Ad campaigns....I flip through magazines waiting till I get to that fateful page when...BOOM! Beautiful photography, gorgeous models, Ah-mazing clothes...and then, its like my life is complete....until of course the next rounds of ads comes out... these are by far not my favorite ads, but....I do still love them....these staring Sasha Pivovarova, Irina Kulikova, Anabela Belikova
The shoes w/ the colored tights
The shoes w/ the colored tights

....its so edgy chic I <3>

This is different from the other shoe one, but I'm in love with it....the shoes are SO pretty...and the feathered skirts....

Every single one of these photos from the August issue of Vogue, is completely and TOTALLY different....thats why I love them...she's able to take on a completely different persona for every photo she's in...ANTM girls should take lessons from her...or Tyra should....

Glamourous Studious Sasha

Street Edge Sasha...

40's Sasha...

Edgy Sasha...

Rocker Sasha....
Ok right now I am having total ADD watching the 1st season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer....and every single time Angel appears on ths screen I honestly die...he is soooooooo.........HOT....its hard to handle..
DOWNLOAD: "Keeper" by Yellowcard....fresh off their new album...I <3>
oh wow. i've never seen sasha before...the photos are amazing.
I want those shoes!!!
and angel = salty goodness.
The brada ads are so stunning this season. ahh can you believe i've never read harry potter? i'm going to pick up the first book tomorrow when i go shopping hehehe
LOVE the Prada ad with the feathered skirt!!!!
gorgeous photos;love prada.
I loved HP 7 and I love prada ads too, I love the bursts of color with neutral outfits.
beautiful pictures , I love Sasha too <3 have you any idea about the price of prada tights ?
j'adore PRADA, the ads are beautiful
Prada ad compains are pretty much mind blowingly awesome! And the Harry Potter book.. oh my gosh I read it in like a day and it was SOOO GOOD!!!
the sasha pictures are great so colorful. i'm off to see yellowcard on wednesday with sum 41 i'm so excited, I will download their now song:)
Love the ads but not those icky footless socks. Sometimes Miuccia goes too far! (I'm sure we'll all be wearing them by the end of the year though...)
Prada ads are fantastic! And I love the shoes!
cute blog
Adored the post! Yes Prada ads are amazing! Love all the colors!
i love love to look at ads!! believe or not, i will haf no qualms tearing them off my mag and sticking them on my corkboard at home!! prada's campaign is fab!!!
prada ads are amazing, but im not lovin the show too much!
love your blog. Link exchange?
good afternoon people. I'm actually into shoes and I have been digging as far as something that particular make. The prices as regards the velcros were approximately 340 dollars on every page. But for all I found this area selling them for half price. I absolutely like these [url=http://www.shoesempire.com]prada sneakers[/url]. I will definetly purchase those. what do you think?
hi there dudes. I'm actually into shoes and I was looking for that particular model. The prices seeking the shoes are about 320 dollars on every page. But definitively I found this site selling them as a remedy for half price. I in reality love those [url=http://www.shoesempire.com]prada sneakers[/url]. I will absolutely buy these. what can you say about it?
Hello. And Bye.
hi there bros. I'm honestly into shoes and I was digging allowing for regarding that exact brand. The prices as regards the sneakers are around 220 bucks on every page. But finally I found this site selling them someone is concerned half price. I exceptionally love these [url=http://www.shoesempire.com]gucci sneakers[/url]. I will definetly purchase these. what is your opinion?
good evening friends. I'm actually into shoes and I had been searching for that exact make. The prices as regards the velcros are about 170 dollars on every site. But finally I bring about this location selling them as a remedy for half price. I absolutely love these [url=http://www.shoesempire.com]gucci sneakers[/url]. I will absolutely buy these. what can you tell me about these?
good morning dudes. I'm honestly into shoes and I was searching allowing for regarding that particular brand. The prices as regards the velcros were all over 250 pounds on every site. But definitively I bring about this locate selling them for half price. I exceptionally love those [url=http://www.shoesempire.com]gucci sneakers[/url]. I will probably purchase those. what can you tell me about these?
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