my eyes need protection....duh :)

Still from Disturbia which if you havent seen it go...and if its not in theaters anymore rent it...its amazing I honestly thought it was so good and i hate scary was more of a thriller...i promise
Anyways now that i severely rambled back to my one true love...they should start a rehab clinic called A.S.A.O.H.A. Thats Addiction to Sunglasses and Other Harmful Accesories i do have to say...I find myself quite witty at times ;).

Red Wayfarers $5.80 @ Forever 21 :))), Same with the sorta aviators, and the black ones are from Target and I have no idea how much they cost.... All I know is that I love them...
Take my Giant-black-always-in-Jackie-O sunglasses...they honestly make me feel like I could be Jackie O...or some other amazingly chic women from the 60's who took day trips to cool little beaches on the Cape and wore pretty little peddal pushers and Lilly Pulitzer everyday and didnt make it look like she was conservative or had a stick up her arse mostly like she was carefree in a way "This is how I do things"

The vice versa on those sunnies(Ausie name for sunglasses i think I <3>
Perfect examples...Mischa Barton and her pal Nicole Richie...we all know who they are i dont even know why I bothered ;)

Great's a classic :P
Then we have aviators...ok mine aren't exactly military issue real wire rimmed aviators even though I did have an insanly cool pair i bought on Santa Monica Peir for like 2 dollars with cool mirror lenses that my friend maliciously stole....these are more like faux aviators...they have the same shape but I love the color and the way I can see my eyes in them...they remind me of hippies I dont know why...but everyone knows...aviators are always cool...duh
ugh..again I find myself making Tom Cruise reference...the horror....aviators=Top Gun...another classic...but its ok I make sunglasses references to him because it was young hot Tom Cruise not ego maniac crazy scientologist with too young wife Tom Cruise.

My eyes...see how cool they are like you can see my eyes but not I just love them...
Ahhhh.....sunglasses are my love.....which kind are you favorite?? B)...thats supposed to be someone wearing sunglass haha
the pair in the middle of your 3 faves are so cool
im actually in love with them
fab blog
i love all the sunnies, ray bands are awesome!!
I bought a new pair of aviators last weekend and I wore them in my apartment just so I could pose everytime I passed a mirror. Love them!
And thanks for the lotion recommendation - I will definitely try it!
I much prefer young and hot Tom Cruise compared to the Old and Crazy Tom Cruise.
Your blog is so cute! I love it already!
i love the red raybands are so kl i only have one pair of sunglasses which i got free in a magazine! But they are very good ones and i should wear them more often as i have really sensitive eyes
haha fab post, i love sunglasses! yeah i have ray bans too and i love them to death but unfortunately i look horrible in aviators (but i still wear them sometimes just because i like them). anyways, i'm tagging you because i love your blog, go here
I have your addiction but mostly out of necessity because I seem to lose a pair of sunglasses at least once a month and by lose I mean forget on the table.
you have been tagged - c website
Bella you have to tell me where I can get that Chai latte foot creme you recommended because now I am obsessed with finding it!
of my gosh you showed ray-bans. I too posted about shades but the pics are diff. from yours so no worries. I too love shia, he is an amazing actor. I've loved him since Holes.
p.s.check out ma blog if you have time.
Your favourite sunglasses are superstylish.
Love your blog too, would you like to exchange links?!
Great post :) and I know i've said this before but i love the sunnies you picked out :P
so i totally saw this movie last night...i hate sci fi so went in thinking i was going to fall asleep. i actually thought it was okay. not my kind of movie (the bf dragged me there) but worth a see.
You are by far the worst writer of all time. Wayfarers are pretty sweet though, and Shia's a badass.
Really useful info, lots of thanks for your post.
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