Soooo....my big question....Doutzen Kroes fashion's newest darling, or just another model? Of course she's got, "It" she has the big lips, the huge blue eyes, honey colored hair, perfect cheek bones, and a nice body(she's not too skinny actually I mean she's skinny, but you know not like the Eastern Europeaness we're used to)....but does she really have, ya know...It...
Yes...you wonder what the difference between "It" and It is...allow me to inform you. The second It is reserved for when I really really fell you know...the amaziningness. That feeling when you look at the model and they're just stupendous...they look different then the other models...they have charisma(a side not, my history teacher pronounced it CHA-ris-Ma with like a CHA in the begining, it cracked me up so much, but he was British and said things like bloody hell, and he told me to can it twice, and he also says issue like I-sss-ue instead of I-sh-ue I loved it....ok completed and totally off subject, I'm sorry :)
So the models with It...you wanna be them...you wish you looked like them...you envy the way that they pull off their perfect endrogenous style....lets see I'm sort of in love with Sasha Pivovarova... for me, she just had It.... I love her look, even though so many people say she looks like Gemma Ward, I think she's like Gemma's evil twin who was born on the wrong side of town and would eat a live fish, ok that was a little drastic, but you get the point...she's a hella lot edgier then Miss. Ward...
Anyways mostly I love her because she is so intense and awesome on the runway...and then in Teen Vogue she was interviewed, and she was all smiley, and she is an arist! I love that! A model who has a brain....yay...and they're actually really good her drawings....

The airplane party...she looks pretty...pretty intense ahaha i crack myself up...

Possibly one of my favorite ads ever...except Prada F06 w/ Sasha...I just love this add its so colorful and pretty and she looks really soft and innocent which is so different then how intense she usually is...its called variety people....
I just really like how her shirt matches her eyes...it just mesmerizes me...cool
So Sasha has it for me...I dont know...I just love her....
Then there's Coco Rocha...I actually think I am in love with her in a purely i wish I was her way.....she is so just insanly unique looking....sooo DIFFERENT then everything that's out there...its just coolness to the max....a whole lot cooler in my opinion then miss big lips up there..

Ok this might possible be very cheasy, but her bone structure looks like it was carved with a flippin chisel, seriously...
Just intennesss....she still stands out with all that hair
And yes I know I could be more original with my favorite choices, but I love them what can I say?
Back to little Doutzen which to you who didnt read all about her in the Vogue model issue it is pronounced "Doubt-zen" just so if anyone asks you on the street, which I highly doubtzen they will...hahaha doubtzen...anyway you can say in correctly in a manner of intelligence
I'm not really sure if she does it for me...I mean she's a pretty girl...but seriously so many people are...there are ten kazillion models who are a whole lot more interesting and unique then her, and I dont mean to trash her, but I don't feel like she's like deserving all the attention that she's getting...she's like Vogue's flippin poster child now...i swear she's been in US Vogue for like 3 or 4 issues straight, or maybe thats just me....
She just looks like a normal pretty girl I think....
I do though love this photo...she looks like a female zoro in a really chic Spanish way..
But this?? Models are suppossed to be unique...she doesnt look unique, she just look pretty or maybe its just me....
I'm not even sure which one she is...i think the top one....but I like this picture in general...she doesnt really stand out though....
So what do you think? Is Doutzen is fashions new ingenue or Should She Just Fade Into the Backround?
Tell Me....
btw.... my school is out...3 cheers for summer :))))
Great post!!! I love coco
I love that prada ad, it's so colorful! I also love the models hair witht the bedhead look!
I think I agree with you...she is a pretty girl but I don't know if she has the "star" quality that she needs to be the new IT girl.
yeh i agree with u too. She has nothing special about her. She is just beutiful but that is it there is nothing that makes her stand out from the other models. But i do love the first picture
I'm with u, nothing really special about her. Right Body, Right Face but not memorable.
Great post!! I love the prada add.
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oh hot daym, coco rocks my socks! I neeeed that House of Holland shirt bout her desperately!! lol, nice blog!
I think Doutzen can be very commercial looking, did anyone saw those L'oreal (I think) ads? She looked just like another blonde beauty not high fashion. I agree: Sasha is way moore It.
This model definitely looks like she may have IT. This pic popped out at me just as I was going to skim thru your post.
i lovee Coco Rocha. I'd like to see Doutzen do some more serious looking stuff, mst of her pictures are commercialized.
love the prada add
haha fab post, i love sasha. i read that article in teen vogue about her and i was so impressed by her artwork! she sounds like she's really cool and nice
I love doutzen , I think she's got something special .
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