The secret singularities of me the fashion addict and apparently addict to many other different things.....

Ryan and Marissa, The OC...ok they were my all time FAVORITE couple before the show started to suck in the 3rd and 4th seasons....seasons 1 and 2 were amazing and I loved them together...she died and that sucked...:(**
I mean does it get any better then this...
I <3>

Brennan and Booth, Bones... Ok they are honestly adorable even though they arent actually "together" which bugs me keeping the tension and all that....but it is so obvious that they love each other...he is always protecting her which is sooooo sweet..

Meredith and Derick a.k.a. McDreamy, Grey's Anatomy...I LOVE them together...the whole 2nd season with the lingering glances and him wanting her but the couldnt be together the whole thing is just perfect...they CANT break up...
3. I wish that I was one of those people who can like take their old t-shirts and sweatshirts and skirts and jeans and a pair of scissors and cut them into something amazingly chic...everyone and a while i whip out the shears and try and make a old t-shirt into awesomness but it always just looks like a 2 year old did it....thats another fact about me...i have NO cutting skills at all
the only thing I have successfully tailored is an old pair of boot cut Citizens of Humanity jeans which I cut to bermudas's and i have to say they look quite stylish....:)
4. I have a makeup addiction...i LOVE buying it...i cant stop I see a really sparkly bright purple MAC eyeshadow with some cool name like " Geisha Lover's Midnight Dream" and i have to buy it even if i know in the back of my stupid mind I will never use it...
like these....
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide on Pencil, $15.00....the only thing is the name doesnt really work because a bright blue metallic pencil is not really going to last you 24/7 if lets say you work at a very conservative brilliant of me for this observation ;)
i have a hard trouble resisting the charms of metallic eyeliners...they draw me in...
My beauty essenstials...that sounded so cheesy...what i mean i use the most is black MAC eyeliner but not in a gothy emo way...Blinc Mascara...Julie Hewett smudge eyeliner..this gorgeous brown MAC eyeshadow i cant remember the name of...Rosebud lip salve and Sephora tinted SPF 15 moisturizer to protect my pretty face...haha yeah right
5. I am an inspiring Monet...for my 14th birthday this year my mom got me and easel...and I LOVE it....mostly i love taking it out and painting and having people walk by and be like "wow what and edgy cool artsy painter" until they take a look @ the canvas that is....but i really do love relaxing and fun even if im not very good @ it....yet ;)
6. My room is the lime....lime colored...meaning green walls...i love soothes me...hehe but really I strongly recommend painting your room a pretty vibrant other room cause my parents are divorced is being painted maroony pink right now and its is also pretty...paint your room....its fun...
7. This is VERY random so dont be alarmed....i have/had since he went to college and insane crush on one of my karate teachers....i often would loose concentration during class because he is so hot...really hot hair really intensely hot dark green eyes....tall...just really hot...he had a black belt...i loved him and he went to college....give me a moment to sulk...ok im good...really
8. I know we have to have 7...but i CANT FIND MY PHONE....its a problem and its frustrating me...i cant call it because stupidly its off....grr...and as long as we're on the 8th one....i LOVE geeky hot people with glasses like Seth on the OC....he was so hot...but i do love other kind of hot...mostly every kind...:))

I realize this is the hottest picture of Adam Brody..<3...but>
Oh geezz....almost everyone been tagged, but I tag Be Jealous, Blushing Apples, You Say I'm a Bitch Like It's A Bad Thing, Le Book, Power Rangers Go, J'dore Chanel, and Pearls and Pants
I'm way too tired to post anything sorry but ill be up with one that i am really excited for tomorow i think...:)))

Ok fine...I couldnt resist...this Marc Jacobs dress is SO adorable for seems comfy and its so cute... $328.000 pricey huh
Download: "Grow Old With Me" The Postal Service...this is from Instant Karma: The Amnesty International Campaign to Save Darfur is so amazing...the whole CD is artists now covering John Lennon for a good cause...I even love Avril's "Imagine"....
i dont like snakes, but what i really hate are those huge ugly spiders! ack
I prefered Marissa with the bad boy volchok (sorry but i like bad boys).
Oh my, thanks for tagging me but I'm just reeaaaally too lazy to post anything interesting about myself and I don't know who else to tag because it's like everyone has already been tagged. thanks for the attention though. :D
i lovd marissa and ryan too
but then it all got too repetative
now i love mcdreamy, but i liked him with his wife a lot too
The black dress is adorable with its pockets and all. OOOOOOhhhh Adam Brody....need I say more?
Awesome. Your answers kick ass. Especially #2 about TV couples. I am the exact same way. Ryan & Marissa; even the couples on One Tree Hill (I can't believe I just admitted that). And Felicity. Felicity & Ben is a major TV couple favorite.
And makeup! yay makeup. If i could afford it, I'd totally be a makeup addict too.
I don't like snakes too .
Sure! of course you can!
blog girly;)
Oh I like Brennan and Booth.
Bones, it is my life!
I am French, and I like very much your blog.
I am one addict of mode(fashion)!
Sorry if my English is little understandable..
I in fact that for 4 years...
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